New Members Are Always Welcome

Benefits Of Membership:
An Annual Household Membership includes:
- Attend Monthly Meetings (in person and/or via zoom)
- Informative Guest Speakers at Every Meeting
- Access to win free orchids at monthly meetings
- Ability to sell or trade plants at member plant sale tables
- Show off your plants and see plants from others during our show and tell at every meeting
- Your show and tell photos are showcased on our social media
- Hands-On Skill Sessions
- Connect with like-minded members
- Learn from more experienced members
- Invitations to Special Member-Only Events
- Exceptional Opportunities to Extend your own Orchid Collection
- Login to the members only portion of our website
- Buy materials at club prices
- Monthly Newsletter Delivered Online
- Access to Newsletter archive
- Access to SCOS Books & Supplies Store
- And More!
$25 Annual Membership Fee (Per Household).
Contact the membership secretary if you have questions.
Volunteer Opportunities
As a non-profit organization, the Sonoma County Orchid Society is operated solely by folks like you who have a passion for growing orchids. It takes a lot of time, effort and dedication to keep our society operating smoothly in addition to organizing the various member events and fundraisers. WE CAN ALWAYS USE HELP!
If you have even a few hours a month to spare, we would love to have your assistance. Please contact our President to discuss your availability and areas of interest.
Spring Show Chair and Committee
Bus Trip Chair
Fall BBQ/Auction Chair and Committee
Budget and Audit Committees
Newsletter Editor
Nominating Committee
Board Member Positions which include President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Website Liason, Director of Media and Communications, Director of Membership, Director of Ways and Means, and Director of Meetings.
Member Classified Ads
Garden Art Sun Catchers
Dazzling, colorful glass and porcelain flowers make a great addition to any garden, if not for yourself, as a one-of-a-kind gift, (made from re-purposed plates). Email Billie MacCarthy to see pictures of individual pieces or speak to her at any SCOS meeting.