Marie Waskow Award 2022

Marie Waskow Award 2022

Each year members of our Society vote to honor a member who has given outstanding service to the Sonoma County Orchid Society. This is for an individual or couple who exemplify the ideals of generosity and service to the organization in spreading the joy of growing orchids as practiced by Marie Waskow, a founding member of our Society. The Award will be presented at the December meeting. Previous members can receive the award again. Past recipients of the award are:

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1988:Harold Levenson2006:Garry Baker
1989:Yosh & Shiz Sugioka2007:Linda Eggleston
1990:Austin & Judy Carney2008:Jim & Kris Foster
1991:Jim Hamilton2009:Ted Pruden
1992:Lowman Whittenburg2010:Jerry & Gerry Smith
1993:Robert & Claudia Pike2011:Larry Mead
1994:Kevin Smith2012:Kathie Hile
1995:Earl Rathbun2013:Lynne Murrell
1996:Marilyn Bucher2014:Becky Jackson
1997:Marilyn Daily2015:Ann Possinger
1998:Mitch & Gail McAlpin2016:Jeanne VanBlarcom
1999:Sam & Juanita Spencer2017:Robyn Chosy
2000:Jim Kennedy2018:Billie MacCarthy
2001:Jim Butts2019:Susan Anderson
2002:Bob & Juanita Breckwoldt2020:Karen Wofford
2003:Paul Matsushita2021:Ann Conger
2004:Patty Connick2022:Glenn Finch
2005:Susan Anderson2023:David Parkinson